Romans 12:2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then, you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – his good, pleasing and perfect will.
This verse is telling us that as Christians we are to be different from the world, in our thinking and our attitudes. We are spirit, soul, and body, and since the moment of our salvation, our spirits have become perfect – just as Jesus is. However, our soul (mind, will and emotions) and physical body, though we are redeemed, are not yet fully restored. It is through our thought life that we can influence our physical bodies and bring about change that we desire to see in our flesh.
The Greek word that is translated conformed in this verse is Suschematizo, which literally means make alike or conform to the same pattern. So, if negative patterns of behaviour regarding overeating, or any type of harmful behaviour, have formed in our minds, it is our job to change them. How? Through our thought life. Not many people realise that thinking is a conscious activity – not just something that we passively accept. Thoughts may come and go, but we do not have to let them lodge in our minds. Proverbs 23:7 says, ‘For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.’ Our thoughts directly influence what becomes reality in our lives.
Experts say that it takes 21 days to create new neural pathways or patterns in our minds. I personally believe this is flexible depending on how deep the existing pathways are, or how long we have lived in that pattern of behaviour, so it could take a bit longer or a bit less time. When looking at negative behaviours around food we will have to make a conscious, intentional decision to change our behaviour, and keep doing it until a new neural pathway or pattern is formed. For example, in my case, every time I finish something, like a course, or a project, or even a week at work, I celebrate with food! This can be a meal out, a sweet food (I try not to use the word treat for these unhealthy foods) a buffet – depending on the scope of the occasion. So, I need to create a new pattern in my mind by doing something else to celebrate. It could be going to see a film, buying a new item of clothing, or visiting a nice place. Anything but food. It just seems that as social eaters we use every excuse possible to overeat. I know that I have been guilty of this in the past and I’m making a conscious effort to change or renew my mind.
Meditating on scriptures that are relevant to our situations are the best way to change our minds. God’s word is our owner’s manual and teaches us how to look after our minds and bodies in the best way possible. It is a true privilege to be able to read and mull over the word of God to us. Most of us have access to a Bible but if not there are many online free versions to download on your smartphone. Meditating for 21 days (or as required!) will renew our minds – the Word will become flesh in our lives.
The word renewing in this verse in Greek is Anakainosis, which literally means renovation. Think of a house that is looking run down. Does it need redecorating or a complete renovation? This verse is showing us that our minds need a complete renovation, not just a coat of paint!
Finally, we will be transformed once we have renewed our minds. The new patterns will be formed in our brains, the word will be made flesh and we will have undergone a complete transformation. The Greek word for transformed is Metamorphoo which is where we get the word metamorphosis. This is used when a caterpillar changes into a butterfly and becomes a completely new species.
So let’s start on a journey of renewing our minds today because nothing is different unless we think differently.