Luke 16:10
He who is faithful in what is least is also faithful in much; and he who is unjust in what is least is unjust also in much.
The parable of the unjust steward, which this verse comes from, was spoken by Jesus himself. Although the context here is money, and being faithful with your giving, the basic principle can be applied to anything that God has given entrusted us with stewardship over – including our own bodies. It is talking about aspects of character really.
The unjust steward in this parable had been trusted with his master’s financial affairs while he was away, and he knew that he hadn’t made a good job of it. When he heard that the master was coming back, he was very worried, because he knew that he would have to give an account to the master, explaining what he had done with his property. He rushed around trying to put things somewhat right.
Thinking about the bodies that God has entrusted us with, we will give an account of how we have stewarded this most valuable resource. After all, without it we are no longer able to walk the earth and be of any influence for the Lord! Unlike the unjust steward we won’t be able to rush around and put things right just before we give our account to God. Far better to make small changes in our lives daily that gear us toward better health.
What we eat, how we manage simple everyday household tasks, our work ethic and how we alleviate stress, all contribute to the overall health that God intended. Spending time with the Lord in prayer and studying His Word as well as exercise and movement are essential and if done consistently, will lead to a fulfilled and productive life that glorifies God.
While Jesus was speaking the words of this parable, there were Pharisees listening and the Bible says they were sneering. They loved money and the message was a hard one for them to hear! In verse 15 ‘He (Jesus) said to them, “You are the ones who justify yourselves in the eyes of others, but God knows your hearts. What people value highly is detestable in God’s sight.”
Likewise in our endeavours towards good health, there are going to be people who make fun of us and disagree with steps we’re taking. They don’t want to part with their bad habits just as the Pharisees in Jesus’ day didn’t want to follow His teaching. They want to eat, drink and be merry – regardless of the effect their lifestyle will have on their bodies. However, they too will give an account to God for their actions and lack of stewardship and God knows their hearts.
Let’s be faithful in the small changes that we can make today, whatever that may mean to you personally, and we will reap our reward in this life and in the one to come.