For by You I can run against a troop; By my God I can leap over a wall. 2 Samuel 22:30

Getting fit isn't always easy and it would be nice if we could have an instant transformation, wouldn't it? Like Wonder Woman or Superman God could just ZAP us and we'd be fit, but it doesn't usually happen that way. Instead, God gives us the endurance to crush armies and scale walls. Any goal, fitness or otherwise, takes commitment.
King David wrote this after God delivered him from King Saul, who had been trying to kill him for years. Even though David had defeated Goliath and God had already anointed him king over Israel, he still had to fight some battles before he could claim what was his.
Likewise, a strong and body is ours, but we will have to fight for it! Ephesians 6:12 tells us we do not fight against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers. God has strengthened us with the endurance to run against troops (armies), for example, habits of the past. These are our enemies when we are attempting to get fit. So how do we defeat these enemies?
Well firstly have a vision of where you want to be! What are you running toward? The power of our imagination means we can always keep a clear picture of our future healthy self in our mind’s eye. We won’t achieve our vision unless we change those habits that have contributed to us becoming unfit. This requires commitment and endurance – and we have everything we need in our perfect spirits, the same power that raised Jesus from the dead! We must fight our enemies and completely obliterate them from our lives.
God has given us the ability to leap over walls. These walls could represent our fears or our limiting beliefs e.g. a fear of failure. Let’s see those as challenges to be leapt over!
Maybe it’s a fear of losing a special bond or relationship, not fitting in with the rest of our family, friends, or colleagues. It is true changing our lifestyle and renewing our mind to the truth may lead to us losing some relationships we have had in the past. However, it isn’t necessary, and we could even inspire someone else to change. Every person is responsible for stewarding their own body and fitness levels. Changing for the better and becoming fit and strong leads us to set a good example to the people in our sphere of influence. Showing God’s strength at work in our lives is a powerful witness to others.
So today let's recognise that we have extraordinary power and abilities in God through Christ. Start the day by receiving them every morning by faith and use them in your daily decisions. We may not be instantly transformed like Wonder Woman or Superman, but we will get the results we want in due season if we keep going, and we will be all the stronger because of it.
